Friday, August 26, 2011

A new start on Life! and I am so Happy and Hopeful!

I am finally feeling settled in my new place. I like It. I have a few Magazine Shoots I am doing in the next couple weeks and a few shoots. I decided to take a dance practicum as a GPA booster and on Accident I found out I was taking BALLet!!! lmao I havta wear ballet shoes and tights and a leotard and dance on the "barre" lmao the teacher is fun(but strict) I am havin' a great time. the class is mon thru thurs 6am to 8am!!! I am recently single and it feels like guys are just throwing themselves at me lmao. I may go on a few dates and just let a few good guys take me out just for fun. I know this go around I want a successful guy who is funny smart and loyal and handsome and doesnt have chil'ren(yuck!)!!!! But I cant complain: amazing friendsss that love the hell outta me! Its weird I am never sad when I have a break up I guess because I never do anything drastic with a guy ei get married or have children with him. i think It takes YEARS to know if the person you have is the right one. I know I dont want to get stuck in some Bullshit. i really feel sorry for the women in my ex boyfriends life, I am so thankful. I guess it wasnt too bad I got a shit load of nice gifts and trips $$$$$$$ so thanks. LMFAO!!!