Thursday, August 11, 2011


Hey Ppl!

I am getting ready to go start my supervisions today :) looking forward to the weekend. Eh not really Alot lot of packing! moving into my new place Ive been talking about for months NEXT week!!!! I am so excited! I am proud that I always can do things on my own!!! I am def the type of woman that isnt happy unless I am working..I am am also the type of person who is not happy unless I can express myself and do something creative. Speaking of being creative, I am not sure if my fam or friends without FB has seen the incredible pic the BASK painted of me about a year ago. It is a big compliment for someone to look at you or your pics and say you inspire me so much i am going to paint you and make you the main piece in my show. I am still in shock someone (esp so talented) thought I was an inspiration......
Painted on aluminum crush cans it is HUGE!